Thank You

St Patrick's College encourages the involvement of its community through a variety of support groups. These groups provide invaluable time and resources to our College and cultural and sporting programs. Parents/guardians are invited to participate in the following groups:

What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.

— Aristotle

Friends of Music

Friends of Music (FoM) is open to anyone interested in Music at ³ÉÈË´óƬ, particularly those dedicated parents whose children play an instrument, sing in a choir or study Music at the College. The role of the group is to support both Music Tutors and children by providing financial (through fundraising) and moral support.  FoM’s objective is to enable children to enrich and broaden their musical experience.

Friends of Music meet once a month and we warmly welcome all parents to become involved with our school music families.

To join this group or to find out more information please contact us.

Friends of Rowing

The ³ÉÈË´óƬ Rowing group is an inviting, community minded group of rowing enthusiasts and parents/guardians who actively participate in rowing camps, regattas, training, fundraising and social events. Friends of Rowing is a parent body which supports their children's rowing experiences as well as College coaches in their quest to make St Patrick's College rowing successful.  

Rowing has been a regular St Patrick's College co-curricular activity since it commenced in 1919. Currently, the rowing team consists of around 80 students and participates in eight to 12 regattas during the rowing season, including pennant regattas, the North West School's Regatta, the Tasmanian Schools Championships and Head of the River.

The Club’s facilities include the Lindsay Street boat shed and College campus training facilities which enable students to be physically, mentally and technically prepared for competition.

Encouraging ongoing involvement in rowing, senior students are transitioned into postsecondary school rowing through involvement in the Rowing Tasmania pennant season.

Please contact the College if you are interested in joining Friends of Rowing.